Challenge Begins In...

LIVE! November 18th - 22nd, 2024

At Last! You can stop spending so much time on social media and...

Start Automating Your Online Business!

In Just 60 Minutes A Day, Over 5 Days, Mark Harbert along with co-host bob clarke will Reveal How To Finally start automating your sales just like the top influencers you see online tODAY!

100% FREE To Attend LIVE!

Is This Challenge Right

For Me And My Business...??

Yes! This ‘Micro Video Challenge’ is especially for you if...

You want to know how to leverage the power of micro videos to attract a highly engaged audience and boost your business, regardless of your industry or niche.
Want proven strategies to create compelling micro videos that captivate your viewers, communicate your message effectively, and drive them to take action.
You want to gain insights into the most effective social media platforms for showcasing your micro videos, including YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.
Want to know how to optimize your micro videos for maximum visibility and reach using the social media algorithms to ensure your content gets discovered by your target audience.

If you said “yes” to any of the above, then YES, this FREE 5-Day Video Marketing Challenge is 100% for you.

Sign Up Today...

...and we’ll show you, step-by-step on how to use short form videos to build your brand, generate more leads, and make more sales!

From: Mark Harbert

Dear Home Business owner:

Are you ready to take your home business to new heights using the incredible potential of automation?

If you're nodding your head with a big "YES"...

... then welcome to the golden opportunity you've been waiting for!

Introducing the 5-Day Automated Sales Challenge!

A transformative LIVE 5-day journey designed exclusively for ambitious home business owners like you who are eager to harness the true power of automation in their business.

This challenge is all about equipping you with the essential skills and strategies to build your business, attract a thriving audience, and drive sales using the magic of automated sales systems.

"Why Automated Systems?"

In the digital world we live in daily, efficiency is king. 

Automated sales systems are a powerful force, that empowers you to create connection and sell your products and services without spending massive amounts of time doing it.

Automated systems are designed to work 24/7, helping you reach your audience with the right message at the right time, encouraging engagement, and creating a community that loves what you offer.

Throughout this 5-day Challenge experience, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of creating your automated sales machine by leveraging the latest "Easy-to-Use" technology to do it.

You don't need a massive social media following or any prior experience to excel in this challenge!

All you need is the determination to succeed and a willingness to learn.

So, are you ready to unlock the immense potential of sales automation and revolutionize your home business

Are you ready for more traffic, leads, and sales that make building your business a breeze?

If so... We can't wait to embark on this exciting journey with you and witness the incredible growth and success that awaits you. Get ready to create a business that you love and a business that thrives.

Automation is being used by some of the biggest influencers online like Gary Vee, Ray Higdon, Tanya Aliza, John & Nadya Melton, Jordan Maylea, and a TON more!

Join Mark Harbert For A...

One of A Kind Challenge!

When you say “yes” and join the challenge for free today... In Just 60 Minutes A Day, Over 5 Days, we Will Reveal How To Finally Start Automating Your Sales Just Like The Pros!

Here’s What You Will Discover During This Challenge...

Day 1

Five Pillars of Automation

The Five MUST-HAVE pillars To Be successful with marketing automation

Monday November 18th at 12:00pm EST

Day 2

irresistible offer formula

How to create a high converting freebie for building your email list

Tuesday November 19th at 12:00pm EST

Day 3

the Funnel Equation

creating a highly effective funnel for Maximum Engagement 

Wednesday November 20th at 12:00pm EST

Day 4

Magnetic Marketing

the Secret Formula to Magnetically Attracting High-Quality Leads that convert

Thursday November 21st at 12:00pm EST

Day 5

The Traffic Trifecta

how to formulate an unstoppable three part traffic strategy for your offers

Friday November 22nd at 12:00pm EST




Monday November 25th at 9:00pm EST




Tuesday November 26th at 9:00pm EST

Get Registered Now! We Have Limited Space...

We only have a limited amount of seats on our platform with the amount of people that can join LIVE. That means once we’ve reached capacity, you get locked out...

So Don’t Wait! Join The Challenge For Free Right Now!

Meet Your Host During The

5-Day 'Automated Sales Challenge!'

Mark Harbert

Mark Harbert started marketing online in late 2008 and has generated over 150,000+ leads online. 

He has created an annual multiple 6-Figure Income and sold multiple millions of dollars of his courses and affiliate products.

He even had a single day where he generated over $100,000 in sales revenue and over $300,000 in a single month.

Mark is hyper-focused on helping entrepreneurs implement video and automation strategies into their marketing and sales processes so they can free themselves for the things that matter most in life.

Faith and Family are Mark's biggest achievements to date. However, the greatest legacy he is focused on leaving behind is that because of amazing grace, he once was lost but now he is found.

What People Are Saying About

Mark's Past Challenges and workshops...


Show up LIVE and get a chance to win one of these AMAZING PRIZES just for having fun and learning!






Ready To Take Your Short Video Game To An entirely new level?

What You Can Expect From The Micro Video Challenge!

BEFORE The Challenge

Overwhelmed and unsure about the best strategies to grow your business effectively with short videos.
Struggling to attract new leads and feeling stuck in a cycle of stagnant growth.
Disheartened by the lack of results from your current video efforts, leaving you questioning their effectiveness.
Frequently feeling confused and lost, unsure of how to navigate the world of video marketing...

AFTER The Challenge

Experience a renewed sense of clarity and confidence in your ability to effectively market using micro videos.
Enjoy a steady stream of high-quality leads flowing into your business that result in increased sales.
Feel a sense of empowerment as you see the impact of your micro videos that build your audience.
Confusion and overwhelm are gone, as you gain a clear roadmap of actionable strategies for leveraging micro videos to achieve your goals.


5-Day Virtual Event: 'The Automated Sales Challenge"


November 18th - 22nd, 2024 @ 12pm EDT

(60 minutes per day)


So you can finally have the life and business you want, without the confusion and lack of clarity!

The Automated Sales Challenge © 2024 | All Rights Reserved

50% Complete

Register For FREE Today!

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You will be registered for all sessions when you click the button. Please check your email right away to verify your registration.
